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Fabric Dye Chestnut Brown

CHF 4.00
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CHF 4.00
Taxes included. Shipping costs calculated at check-out.

    • For dyeing cotton, wool, silk, linen, viscose, bamboo and polyamide (Nylon) and many other materials.*
    • Suitable for machine washing or hand dyeing. Add salt and possibly vinegar (for wool, nylon and silk).
    • Experiment by applying it to different surfaces such as wood, leather, upholstery and more.
    • 1 sachet of 10 g dyes 250 g of dry matter; when using smaller quantities the final color will be lighter.
    • 1 bottle (225 ml) dyes 1 kg of dry fabric, so ideal for multiple dyeing sessions or for very voluminous fabrics such as sheets, sofa covers or curtains.
    * Not suitable for polyester, certain types of acrylic and fabrics that have undergone a water-repellent or stain-resistant treatment.
    How is it used?

    A printed instruction manual is sent home with every order. You can also consult it from here.

    Colour folder

    Click here to see the colour applied on wool (sn) and cotton (dx)

    Hand holding a sachet of chestnut brown fabric dye for cotton, wool, silk, linen, viscose, bamboo, and nylon.
    Pack of chestnut brown fabric dye placed on a vibrant brown fabric background
    Fabric swatch dyed in chestnut brown, demonstrating the vibrant color achieved with our dye on different fabrics
    Viktoria all-purpose chestnut brown fabric dye bottle for cotton, wool, silk, linen, viscose, bamboo, and nylon, 225ml
    Fabric Dye Chestnut Brown
    Fabric Dye Chestnut Brown

    Domande frequenti

    Is it better to dye by hand or in the washing machine?

    Our dyes are formulated for both uses, however, if possible, it is always preferable to dye by hand for a greater guarantee of success. Especially in the case of delicate, expensive garments, or those that you particularly care about, hand-dyeing is strongly recommended to have more control over the whole process and to lengthen the soaking time for a full, stain-free colour.

    Can I cover bleach stains?

    To try to correct this type of stain, the first step is to dissolve a pinch of dye in 100ml of water and add a little salt and vinegar if necessary. You can then try to dye the stain with the help of a cotton bud.

    It is difficult to find the perfect colour among so many options, but you can start with a light shade and then if necessary darken it, warm it up or cool it down.

    Read more..

    Can I restore a colour with fabric dye?

    Restoring the shine and giving new life to the colour of a garment is absolutely possible. Especially dark colours such as black, dark blue or brown tend to fade due to frequent washing or prolonged exposure to the sun.

    One sachet of fabric dye and one tablespoon of salt are usually sufficient to refresh the colour of a washing machine. The rule of 1 sachet for every 250g of fabric can also be applied.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews

    Ik heb de verf besteld om een bleekvlek weg te werken, maar dit is niet gelukt zelfs niet een klein beetje!
    Terwijl de jurk van 100% natuurlijk materiaal is, jammer want de kleur was perfect.

    Beste Karin,
    Bedankt voor je review. Chloorvlekken zijn soms lastig om te herstellen. Het is afhankelijk van de mate waarin de vezels beschadigd zijn. Sterk geconcentreerde chloor kan zelfs leiden tot gaten in de stof. Bij lichte vlekken met verdunde chloor is het vaak nog wel mogelijk om de vlekken te herstellen.
    Bij de veelgestelde vragen onder de kop 'Mogelijke problemen' staat een uitleg hoe je de vlekken kunt behandelen om het best mogelijke resultaat te krijgen. Mocht je het idee hebben dat de stof niet te zeer beschadigd is en je er met de uitleg op onze website niet uitkomt, dan kun je altijd vragen of de deskundigen van onze support afdeling je verder kunnen helpen. Hiervoor kun je een korte beschrijving en enkele foto's van de vlekken en het wasvoorschrift sturen naar

    Roberta Meloni

    Prodotti fantastici, seguite le istruzioni il capo è tornato come nuovo. Era un cotone da lavare separatamente su cui si erano create delle macchie scolorite con l'uso di smacchiatore all'ossigeno attivo. Ho decolorato il capo in acqua e candeggina (rapporto 1:1) e seguito le istruzioni alla lettera. Consigliato!

    Maximilian Moro
    Ottimi prodotti

    Tinte di grandissima qualità.

    Laura Lanfranco

    Easy ti use. Wonderful colors Next time i’ll need the product to fix the color

    Are you a company?

    Do you need large quantities of product?

    All of our 59 colours are also available in 1 or 5 kg packs, please contact us for more information!

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